Tales from the Machine Room for year 2002 |
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It's Alive! - Updated (5 - and now it's enough!)
Once upon a time, while I was really bored, I started writing down what's going on in my office, removing names of course, and posting it on the it.comp.os.linux.sys group. The 'tales' where well-received, so I decided to preserve them for posterity.
One thing: all the tales are real.
You wanna send your own tales? Ok, fine, but first read the instructions.
CL - Clueless Luser: tipical low-range user, he doesn't really have a clue
but he think he knows better.
UL - UberLuser: project leader or middle-manager, not more clued than a CL
but his paycheck is bigger.
SL - SuperLuser: manager
HR - Someone working in Human Resources
This is me, when someone came to ask for something.
...you wanna WHAT?? to do WHAT??
You can get a .zip file with the whole shebang as a .pdf or .epub in the Archive, NOTE: some tales have no english translation.
RSS Feed for all the tales.
Am I ever wrong? The Fuck-up Fairy
The SysAdmin's Library
A simple martketing-bofh vocabulary
SysAdmin's song #1 (The Other Side)
SysAdmin's song #2 (Teorema)
SysAdmin's song #3 (The Lusers Are Too Strong)
SysAdmin's song #4 (Everybody Wants To Run Exchange)
Contributed by my readers:
Dieci Piccoli Pinguini (di Cris Carampa)
La Ballata del Programmatore e
Alla Fiera di Enrico Colombini
Note: the link takes you to Colombini's web site
and there is also a sung version:
Azzurro (di Claudio Brazzale)
Windows To The Ground (di Marco Bonetti)
"Dale Harding" send the link to
the Bofh's ballade
note: the link takes you to Bitchx's site.
Once I began writing, other peoples decided to send me theirs tales, so I decided to open a "guest" side. Here you'll find their tales, with the exception of Gabriele Niccolini who sent me so many that I've put on a special section for. Note that Gabriele stopped writing several years ago, so things are no longer updated.
Other tales, divided by author.
This is a short list of the latest visitors' tales.
WARNING! the tales belows are the tales that have been modified in any way in the past days, so if someone send a note that a link is broken in an old tale, and I fix it, it will automagically appear here even if it is 3 year old. Got it? So don't send me mail or comment about the fact that 'this tale is 3 year old'...
The end (of Evangelion) the Conslutants?
Warning: if you send me the link to your "blog" or your site, try to keep it up and running, if I don't see any changes for a while, first I put it as "dead" and then I get rid of the link.
Warning #2: the simple fact that you send me the link doesn't mean that I'm going to add it here, especially if I look at your site and see a lot of swearing and nothing else.
Barbara Pennacchi keeps a technical blog: http://blog.cyberdeaf.org/ (the site seems no longer updated since half-2020)
MK66: http://lestoriedimk66.blogspot.com/ (the site seems abandoned since 2019)
This site is made by me with blood, sweat and gunpowder, if you want to republish or redistribute any part of it, please drop me (or the author of the article if is not me) a mail.
This site was composed with VIM, now is composed with VIM and the (in)famous CMS FdT.
This site isn't optimized for vision with any specific browser, nor
it requires special fonts or resolution.
You're free to see it as you wish.