The Song of The Sysadmin

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Di Marco Bonetti, sulla musica di BOTTLES TO THE GROUND dei NOFX

You're knowing
when it's over
with a blue screen
of death
still rebooting
you know you'd better take one last good one

One more round and it's windows to the ground
smashing all the craps with the supersonic linux
installing apache and solving all the problems
uoah uoah uoah windows to the ground

In the room
near the wall
there's a server
under D.O.S.
should be rebooted
you know you'd better trash the last bad one

One more round and it's windows to the ground
smashing all the craps with the supersonic linux
installing apache and solving all the problems
uoah uoah uoah windows to the ground

One more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground
one more round and it's windows to the ground

Comments are added when and more important if I have the time to review them and after removing Spam, Crap, Phishing and the like. So don't hold your breath. And if your comment doesn't appear, is probably becuase it wasn't worth it.

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