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A bunch of articles covering various arguments, all of them (or most of them) related to programming and IT, documents and other stuff that I found interesting to solve some problems of mine and I want to preserve (so I'll found them again when I need them).

Informations, faqs, how-to and the like for programmers and ITs...

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In section "Comments" (this section also available as RSS Feed)

Creative work

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 16/09/2024 08:01, 6 messages
...ehuu... don't sit there...

It's 2024, where is my e-Transalp?

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 10/09/2024 13:29, 14 messages
..wasn't that a jetpack?

You again?

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 08/08/2024 10:14, 7 messages
Somebody goes... somebody came back...

Austria 2024

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 23/06/2024 17:08, 8 messages
Time for a vacation!

In section "Articles"

You want what?

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 25/05/2020 09:50, 4 messages
At a question, a reply (kinda)...


By Davide Bianchi, Updated 07/03/2019 14:05, 11 messages
Use Raspberry's PI and a VNC Server to drive a slideshow on multiple screens

The Pager

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 16/07/2018 10:28, 1 message
What the heck is a "pager"?

Using Varnish as Proxy and Cache system

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 06/02/2013 14:55, 3 messages
Using Varnish as a Proxy and Cache system

In section "FAQs"

The /proc filesystem

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 17/07/2010 08:52, 3 messages
Il file system /proc e' un file system creato e mantenuto a run-time dal Kernel di Linux

Database queies optimization

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 17/07/2010 08:51, No messages
Molto spesso l'efficienza di una applicazione, sia essa una pagina ASP/JSP/PHP o un vero programma, dipende dall'efficienza del sottostante database. Ma un database efficiente non serve a nulla se le query che facciamo sono il massimo dell'inefficienza. Come si puo' migliorare l'efficienza di una Query?

Practical use of search engines

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 17/07/2010 08:51, 2 messages
I Motori di ricerca Sono una delle cose piu' utili di Internet, ma pare che nessuno li sappia usare, un po' come l'elenco del telefono.

Serial connections between Linux and Windows

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 17/07/2010 08:50, 3 messages
Mi sono ritrovato a dover trasferire un nuovo kernel ed altra roba dal mio desktop al mio portatile, purtroppo pero' la scheda di rete del mio portatile non era supportata dal mio kernel attuale... che fare ?

In section "Tales" ( this section also available as RSS Feed)

Gli Ospiti della Sala Macchine

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 03/09/2009 10:55, No messages
Dopo che ho cominciato a scrivere le Storie, altra gente ha cominciato a mandarmi le loro, ho deciso quindi di aprire la parte "visitatori".

Test: Siete dei bravi DBA/DB Designer?

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 20/07/2009 22:34, No messages
Dopo che ho menzionato il fatto che io non apprezzo le chiavi primarie autogenerate nei database, si e' scatenato un putiferio, ergo... vi beccate il test.

Everybody Wants To Run Exchange

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 12/08/2008 00:00, No messages

The FuckUp Fairy

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 30/03/2008 00:00, No messages
Mi e' parso di capire (da vari commenti e mail che mi sono arrivate) che si e' sparsa la convizione che io sia un'Essere Assolutamente Infallibile. Che io So Tutto e non faccio MAI errori.

In section "Guests' Tales" ( this section also available as RSS Feed)

Attention! the tales below are reported if they have been modified in any way in the past days, if there is a mistake and I fix it, the tale will be reported even if it's 3 years old. Got it? Keep your e-mails.

I Racconti dell'Open Space

By Davide Bianchi, Updated 30/08/2021 12:24, No messages
I Racconti dell'Open Space... in PDF!

The end (of Evangelion) the Conslutants?

By Matteo Jurman, Updated 18/09/2012 11:58, 8 messages
Non c'e' mai un "End"...

Revenge of the Pisquani en

By BabboMatteo, Updated 25/04/2012 10:37, 7 messages
Poche principesse da quelle parti eh?

Sempre la stessa storia... en

By BabboMatteo, Updated 27/03/2012 13:27, 9 messages
Sempre la stessa storia

I'm not a genius (unfortunately), nor I'm infallible or onniscent, so if you find something wrong or some mistake in this place, please drop me a mail and I'll try to correct is ASAP. If you want to be ultra-cool and post also a brief correction, I'll worship you for the rest of my life... ok, no, let's make it 10 minutes...

I repeat that I keep this place going in my spare time, my job isn't to teach anything to anyone or to correct your mistakes or anything, so:

Davide Bianchi, works as Unix/Linux administrator for an hosting provider in The Netherlands.


This site is made by me with blood, sweat and gunpowder, if you want to republish or redistribute any part of it, please drop me (or the author of the article if is not me) a mail.

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