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A bunch of articles covering various arguments, all of them (or most of them) related to programming and IT, documents and other stuff that I found interesting to solve some problems of mine and I want to preserve (so I'll found them again when I need them).
Informations, faqs, how-to and the like for programmers and ITs...
Yeah, we got cookies... To please the usual tw...users that complains they do not want to change the language of the browser, I'm implementing a way to "force" the language used regardless that. But to do it, I need cookie... so...
This site uses Cookie... singular. ONE cookie. That doesn't contains anything but the language you want to use. If you zap it, it will be re-created. But once the language is set, it will stay like it is.
In section "Comments" (this section also available as RSS Feed)
It's Alive! - Updated (5 - and now it's enough!)
In section "Articles"
Using Varnish as Proxy and Cache system
In section "FAQs"
Practical use of search engines
Serial connections between Linux and Windows
In section "Tales"
this section also available as RSS Feed)
Test: Siete dei bravi DBA/DB Designer?
Everybody Wants To Run Exchange
In section "Guests' Tales"
this section also available as RSS Feed)
Attention! the tales below are reported if they have been modified in any way in the past days, if there is a mistake and I fix it, the tale will be reported even if it's 3 years old. Got it? Keep your e-mails.
The end (of Evangelion) the Conslutants?
I'm not a genius (unfortunately), nor I'm infallible or onniscent, so if you find something wrong or some mistake in this place, please drop me a mail and I'll try to correct is ASAP. If you want to be ultra-cool and post also a brief correction, I'll worship you for the rest of my life... ok, no, let's make it 10 minutes...
I repeat that I keep this place going in my spare time, my job isn't to teach anything to anyone or to correct your mistakes or anything, so:
Davide Bianchi, works as Unix/Linux administrator for an hosting provider in The Netherlands.
This site is made by me with blood, sweat and gunpowder, if you want to republish or redistribute any part of it, please drop me (or the author of the article if is not me) a mail.
This site was composed with VIM, now is composed with VIM and the (in)famous CMS FdT.
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You're free to see it as you wish.