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(note: that's not my tree)
Well, yeah, it's Christmas, at least it was when I started writing this stuff. So, some random thought while 2024 approaches its end. First of all, I began a bit of refactoring in the code of the CMS, and I immediately found a couple of bugs, nothing amazing, but still a bit annoying. First, the CMS gets the "site" you want from the Hostname in the browser's request. However, if you have a port number in there... because you're running on a multi-host system and you run apache on a different port, or you want to run different sites under a proxy or something... well the CMS doesn't know any of that shit so it thinks the port is part of the domain. That is wrong.
Then I reaorganized a bit how various part of the 'page' were put together and moved some of those into the 'common' part of the code. My idea is that part is like a library and somebody could get just that and build a different cms just using the common functions.
I changed the "user comments list" because there were a bit too many things that were "hard-coded", now I use an approach that is more similar to other parts of the code, by building a mini-template and using that, so the template could be overridden and that would change the way the list is displayed.
And in all this, I was messing around using an actual editor (Visual Studio Code) and after years of using nothing but VIM, every 2 seconds I was typing 'ESC:w' to save instead than just hitting CTL-S. BTW, VSC works fine, even on Linux.
If everything is ok, and it should, I think I'll update the code on SourceForge and Git by the end of the year, so for another year we should be ok.... I hope.
For the rest, I was thinking about buying myself a present, but then Christmas f*ed me up because it arrived too soon so now it can go f* itself, and if you're curious, I was thinking about buying a 3D printer. Now, if you've read the other stuff I wrote, you should've understood that I like to 'do' things, even physical things, and every now and then I find myself slapping together stuff that need some 'parts' but those are not available or are too expensive, and normally I end up cludging togheter stuff with bits of wood glued together with other stuff...and I always end up thinking "there should be a better way". Now, 3D printing should be the 'better way'. Until recently 3D printers were a complete fuck up, the ones that weren't was because the owner had spent a colossal amount of time and money working around all the issues and perfecting the thing, but nowadays, it seems the printers are approaching a level of "functionality" just out of the box that could make them actually useful.
And you're probably thinking "It sounds like there should be a but there..." Because there is.
But... Is not that those things are super-expensive but... they are expensive enough that I'm not really jumping up and down with joy, and then there are the supplies that goes with those things and I'm already mad at the cost of ink for normal printers... And then there is the fact that I should learn to use the CAD.
You should know that a long time ago, I actually did CAD design professionally, no it wasn't mechanical parts, it was electrical systems, but yes... and is something I kinda hated. And the idea to go back to that stuff with the extra complication (and cost) of 3D... eh...
So, for the moment that idea will sit in its corner and I'll think again later, I mean, I am still alive and i don't have a 3d printer so...
Well, that's it. The plan for today is to do almost nothing and do some exercise, since I just got out from a week-long cold that literally struck me down, is time to do something physical and get out of the house, and the weather seems to cooperate so far.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Davide Bianchi
25/12/2024 05:00
Comments are added when and more important if I have the time to review them and after removing Spam, Crap, Phishing and the like. So don't hold your breath. And if your comment doesn't appear, is probably becuase it wasn't worth it.
By Iacopo Benesperi posted 25/12/2024 08:31 - replyreply
Buon Natale Davide e (speriamo) un felice anno nuovo!
Per la stampa 3D non ti preoccupare, è meno peggio di quello che sembra. Io ho imparato a fare pezzi anche più complessi (ma comunque... squadrati, ecco) in un paio di mesi nei ritagli di tempo a lavoro per fare dei pezzi che mi servivano appunto per lavoro e anche mio babbo di 68 anni riesce ad usare Onshape per fare qualcosa dopo un mesetto di prove.
La stampante che abbiamo noi non costa tanto e lavora bene, ma non voglio dare consigli per gli acquaisti indesiderati, quindi in caso chiedi e ti dico poi
-- Iacopo Benesperi
By DjCartOOn posted 25/12/2024 11:16 - replyreply
Buon Natale Big D!
Cazzeggiando sulle vecchie storie come faccio ogni tanto per rilassarmi ( e consolarmi che la fetecchia utontica non colpisce solo me ma anche il resto del pianeta) volevo dirti che da qualche giorno non si vede più il link a inizio commenti/fondo pagina che porta alla storia precedente/successiva (ho verificato sia da Safari che da Firefox): so che mettere un bug sotto l'albero non è una bella cosa, ma magari quando riprendi in mano il codice, ora che lo sai, puoi buttarci un'occhio.
Buone feste =)
-- DjCartOOn
By DjCartOOn posted 25/12/2024 11:21 - replyreply
Non solo nelle 'vecchie' storie, sembra che la generazione della lista 'tronchi' la pagina...
Ok, sistemato. Ecco perche' voglio fare un po' di pulizia nel codice... anche per rimuovere queste cose che poi ti mordono le chiappe quando non te ne accorgi.
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