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We've always been told that we should try to put some "creativity" in our work. I don't know, I think that some works should be done "by the book" and if it can't be done like that, it shouldn't be done at all. For example, this week-end they replaced all the light in the office with LEDs, that is nice, and in some case they also had to replace the whole fixture instead of just the "light" when using a LED in there wasn't possible.
This has led (pun intended) to some... problems when the new fixture couldn't be installed for this or that reason... so the electrician has shown his "creative side"...
Well, we can't put another nail in there, but we got tons of spare cat5 cables so... problem solved?
I don't know... I'm not going to sit there anyway...
Davide Bianchi
16/09/2024 08:01
Comments are added when and more important if I have the time to review them and after removing Spam, Crap, Phishing and the like. So don't hold your breath. And if your comment doesn't appear, is probably becuase it wasn't worth it.
By Daniele Levi posted 16/09/2024 11:31
Com'era quella cosa della sicurezza sul lavoro?
-- Daniele Levi
By doomboy posted 16/09/2024 13:46
Credevo che certe porcate le si facessero solo in Italia, certo non me le aspettavo nella civile Olanda.
-- doomboy
@ doomboy By Davide Bianchi posted 17/09/2024 08:15
Credevo che certe porcate le si facessero solo in Italia
Siamo in due...
-- Davide Bianchi
By mima85 posted 19/09/2024 15:11
Giusto in questo periodo mi stavo rileggendo tutte le tue storie, ogni tanto mi piace ripassarmele perché sono troppo divertenti. Coincidenza, ho appena finito la serie del 2004, dove c'era la storia di quel wannabe elettricista daltonico che scambiando fase e terra vi ha lasciati tutti al buio: vedendo quella foto capisco che dopo vent'anni la situazione in merito alla (mancanza di) professionalità non è cambiata molto, anzi.
-- mima85
By Mariano posted 20/09/2024 09:25
Mi chiedo come abbiano fatto ad ottenere il pagamento della fattura...
-- Mariano
By Anonymous coward posted 24/09/2024 14:47
Nessuno ha sollevato il ditino nei termini di "sicurezza di lavoro"?
-- Anonymous coward
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